November 2024 Licensure Examination for Midwives.

The Provincial Government of Ilocos Sur conducted a celebratory motorcade in honor of the 92 students of ISCC who passed the November 2024 Licensure Examination for Midwives. This event proudly showcased the accomplishments of the school as the motorcade went around Metro Vigan. OIC ISCC Administrator Marlon Tagorda, Technology & Science Department Dean Eulaine Bennette continue reading : November 2024 Licensure Examination for Midwives.

One Ilocos Sur Health Caravan in the municipality of Banayoyo

Governor Jerry Singson, medical doctors and PGIS employees dedicated their time in conducting the One Ilocos Sur Health Caravan in the municipality of Banayoyo this 27 November 2024. Residents availed of the free medical services, assistive devices, food packs and hot meals. This initiative is aligned with the Provincial Government of Ilocos Sur’s goal which continue reading : One Ilocos Sur Health Caravan in the municipality of Banayoyo

Rambak Kristo Ari

VIVA CRISTO REY! Christus Vincit! Christus Regnat! Christus Imperat! (Christ Conquers Christ Reigns Christ Commands) Governor Jerry Singson attended the annual celebration of Christ the King Day or the Rambak Kristo Ari hosted by the Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish, Burgos, Ilocos Sur last 24 November 2024.