ILOCOS SUR FESTIVAL QUEEN 2023 The screening for the first ever trans pageant of the province, the Ilocos Sur Festival Queen 2023 was done at the Provincial Farmers Livelihood Center wherein 62 aspirants flaunted their beauty, body figure and wit. Among the aspirants, 40 of them were chosen to advance to the next round competing continue reading : The Screening for the first ever trans pageant of the Province, the Ilocos Sur Festival Queen 2023

The 10 Point Agenda
- Agricultural Productivity (97)
- Biodiversity and Environments (50)
- Education and Learning (105)
- Health, Safe, and Diverse Citizenry (252)
- Inclusive Social Welfare (137)
- Local Economic Development (128)
- Participatory and Anticipatory (528)
- Resiliency Amid Adversities (128)
- Technological Innovations (25)
- Tourism Blueprint (137)
- Uncategorized (246)